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Los Angeles Work Injury Centers   tOverwork/Overuse Injury Attorneys


ARE YOU OVERWORKED OR HAVE YOU OVERUSED CERTAIN BODY PARTS TO THE POINT OF PAIN?                        You Need Our Dominant and Tenacious Legal Team on YOUR side. 

Overwork in the following ways (and many others):

        1   lifting, carrying or holding weights too heavy for you

        2   working at such a rapid rate that you not sustain that pace

        3   working long hours

        4   working without lunch period or mid-morning and/or mid-sfternoon breaks

        5   being required to work overtime

        6   pushing and/or pulling  weights that are too heavy for you

        7   working in extreme weather conditions

        8   having to use one body part excessively

        9   having to throw frequently or throw heavy items

These types of injuries are very common and may actually be the most common work injury. The problem is that many workers continue to work, take over the counter medications, modify how they work to reduce their pain, but never actually give their bodies a chance to heal. The continued exposure or activity often causes the symptoms to worsen and worsen until the injured worker can no longer stand the pain, the medications no longer mask the pain, and the injured worker simply can no longer do his job.

A common scenario at this point is that


Workers know that they are working hard and long but don't realize that the aches and pains that they are experiencing may constitute a work injury. Any time you have aches and pains which you believe were caused or aggravated by heavy work or excessive hours and overuse of your body parts, contact us. In order to prove that you have an industrial injury, a doctor must opine that the heavy work you perform caused the symptoms that you are having. 

It's important to get your case started correctly from the outset, but whatever stage you're at, we are here to help you obtain the benefits to which you are entitled and which you deserve. 

We are here to help you. Call us at 1-800-666-6666 for an appointment for a free consultation.

Our main office is in Los Angeles but we are accepting cases throughout California and Oregon

Areas we serve
Let us be your Champion™
Receptionist ready to answer questions when injured worker calls 1-800-666-6666.
Call us for a free consultation



We are accepting serious on the job injuries, negligence cases and construction accident cases

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)

Stressed / Overworked

Discrimination / Mistreatment

Heavy Toxin/Chemical  Workplaces

Sexual Harassment


Stroke / Heart Attacks

Construction Falls

Repetitive Overuse Syndromes


Death cases

In a 6 !!®

The Lawyers To Win

Los Abogados Para Ganar­®

This legal notice is required by LC5432(a): Notice: "Making a false or fraudulent worker's compensation claim is a felony subject to up to 5 years in prison or a fine of up to $50,000.00 or double the value of the fraud, whichever is greater, or by both imprisonment and fine."

Este aviso legal es requerido por LC5432 (a): Aviso: "Realizar un reclamo de compensación de trabajador falso o fraudulento es un delito grave sujeto a hasta 5 años de prisión o una multa de hasta $ 50,000.00 o el doble del valor del fraude, cualquiera que sea mayor o por prisión y multa ".


Any person who makes or causes to be made any knowingly false or fraudulent material statement or material representation for the purpose of obtaining or denying workers'  compensation benefits or payments is guilty of a felony.

Toda aquella persona que a propósito haga o cause que se produzca cualquier declaración o representación material falsa o fraudulenta con el fin de obtener o negar beneficios o pagos de compensación a trabajadores lesionados es culpable de un crimen mayor “felonia”.

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* Los resultados obtenidos en cada caso son diferentes. Esto no constituye una garantía de los resultados que pueden obtenerse en su caso particular. Este sitio web constituye publicidad de abogados. Shandler & Associates es una organización con fines de lucro y no es una organización caritativa.
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